BUT! I've reviewed a couple of products that have really helped me sooth my skin and relieve some crazy itching.
Before anyone gets any ideas, this isn't a spiel about an itchy fanny, the main areas for itch are under my now gigantic breasts (that is a blog post in itself, stay tuned for that gem!) and on my legs.
I have always been terrible at if I have an itch, I will scratch it but this situation recently has been nothing like anything I have ever known.
There is a horrible condition you can get in pregnancy, usually much further along than I am now that is something to do with your liver and a symptom of that is severe itching (NHS info here if anyone is worried) however I have been lucky enough to get my itch under control to the point that this condition wasn't a concern (GP advised) and I'm going to tell you which products worked for me.
(Picture borrowed from Amazon UK)
This stuff is great, it is so soothing and not greasy at all. I hate anything slimy on my skin and sometimes putting on all these lotions and potions has made me feel more uncomfortable than before I started but this one doesn't do that at all.
It contains Colloidal Oatmeal which is something that is used to treat skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. It has been known for thousands of years (apparently, not by me, I'm beginning to think I know nothing about anything these days) that Oats are soothing for skin irritations and itching.
I had been recommended bathing in oats and seen some blog posts of making my own oaty lotion to help the itching but I couldn't bring myself to bathe in porridge and patience for make my own was not something I had much of so I ordered this lotion. I wasn't sure what to expect but I had heard good things a while back about Aveeno from my friend Natalie and it has been amazing. The added bonus for me is the lavender scent, it is so light that you don't feel overwhelmed by the smell and it was the scent of this that spurred me on to buy the next product that proved to be another lifesaver.
(Picture from Boots.com this time)
Normally I detest body oil but being pregnant oil is such a must (or so I keep hearing) Our poor skin is stretching and changing and it gets thirsty. I used Bio Oil at the start of my pregnancy but after the doomy first trimester ended, the tiny scent that Bio Oil holds was enough to make me heave so that had to go. After using the aforementioned Aveeno Lotion I fell in love with any kind of mild lavender scent and remembered that when I was younger I was into the bubble bath that shares its smell with this oil.
It's quite a light oil so this is good for quick application when I have stuff to do because my skin absorbs it in quite quickly. I put it on a bedtime and it hasn't left any strange marks (that I noticed) on my bed sheets. I don't know the science behind it, but it really helped. Particularly during a rather stress filled midnight crisis where I cried to my husband that I wanted to tear my skin off and I was never going to be able to have anything touch my skin again because I itched so badly. (no dramatics here, no no, perfectly rational response to itchy legs ya?)
I did also change my washing powder to Non- Bio (on the advice of my dad) so this could have been a contributing factor.
Either way, I still get a moment where I forget myself and have a good old itch but gone are the mornings waking up with blood under my nails and completely ravaged legs.
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