How many weeks?

Before being pregnant the word trimester meant very little to me. When you’re pregnant everything is first trimester this, second trimester that. It’s all quite interesting because working in education I see it as pregnancy is split into three terms, like an academic year. (Academic years have Autumn Term, Spring Term and Summer Term)

Another thing that happens when you’re pregnant is everything becomes weeks not months. You are 6 weeks p regnant, 8 weeks pregnant, 12 weeks pregnant etc etc. I think that the reason why this is is because so many things change week by week. That and if you complied the list into months e.g. in month one you will experience abcdefghijkl, no one would want to be pregnant, it would be too daunting and then the population would die out. At least that’s my theory.

When I discovered I was pregnant I was 5 weeks pregnant (this was after a GP confirmation that yes, this is real) Now, in my brain I was frantically counting back 5 weeks thinking, wait a minute, I wasn’t doing any sex that day!? But actually, that isn’t how it works.

I don’t know how women are expected to know this, but how many weeks pregnant aren’t actually counted from conception. It is counted from the date of your last period. So technically, youre counted as ‘being pregnant’ before you’ve even had sex and conceived a baby. Bizarre isn’t it.
After the doctor used this spinny round puzzle like card to work out my dates, I went home and googled a way to confirm this for myself, just to check, because I’m a control freak like that. This the website confirmed what a healthcare professional with years of training had already told me. (Why I couldn’t just accept his words, I don’t know) If you're pregnant and confused by your healthcare professional the website I used can be found here

Please note how pregnancy is called a ‘condition’ by this website…

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