The First Shop

Oh good lord I went to a nearly new sale for baby things. JEEEEESUS CHRIST.

So I got super brave and volunteered at The NCT Nearly New Sale at the local community college.
My friend Karen (absolute super mum of beautiful twin girls, she's an inspiration to us all, honestly, she has parenting licked I swear to god) has been doing these for a while and suggested ages ago I try it out for baby shopping.

Now I have been SO reluctant to buy anything for this poor child because initially I couldn't even believe it existed, then I didn't even know if I could deal with it existing, then I was scared it wouldn't exist and then I just was overwhelmed by all these other blog posts about which travel system (that will require a blog post in itself- trust me- what even IS that) this, which nasal aspirator that (as a side note, nasal aspirator- what the fuck- I'm sorry but I am not buying some kind of hydraulic system to get bogies out of my child's nose. This infant will just have to be attacked with a tissue like I was) so I was just like, yeah one day I'll start shopping...

So the day of this sale is the day I hit 24 weeks (6 months). In pregnancy this is considered a milestone as from this date your baby is considered viable. So I felt maybe it would be okay to buy something. Also I heard there was maternity wear and I have to finally accept that my size 10 leggings do not fit any more. RIP.

Anyway, back to the sale. So I arrived and was greeted by Karen and I was SO nervous. This felt like such a hugely brave thing for me to be doing. I hate people I dont know (sorry strangers) I hate having to pretend I am a happy chirpy excited mother to be (which sometimes I am now but sometimes I am the grumpiest bitch) and even before I was pregnant I would never do something this brave! Talk about anxiety...!

Once I got indoors a crazy, organised, hectic woman directed me to sort out 'Boys clothing' This felt like something I could manage. I like sorting and ordering so I got into it and actually started to like it then oh lord, Friendly Mum #1 started a conversation with me. Cue sweat running down between my breasts, my mouth feeling like someone else is controlling my words, I made a joke about how something wouldn't fit my leg... I am cringing now, this woman must have thought I was actually insane. I had to excuse myself to the toilet (cue another embarrassing joke about baby bladder... I'm dying, what is WRONG with me, I am so socially inept!) because I just felt so awkward.

However, when I had managed to settle myself down, been a bit more socially acceptable with strangers (mainly just clinging to Karen) we got to do a 'pre public shop' where the volunteers got first dibs on all the loot. It was probably one of the funniest things I have ever done, and I couldn't even laugh because this was a very very serious occasion. Women everywhere knew what they wanted, they knew which things were labelled up cheaper, they knew what things meant, they were on it. I am not joking you, these women, they're professionals I swear. 

when the ring leader was like "GO!" people were running. Running to the goods. 
I just stood there like a fish floundering on a beach. I thought well... better go to Newborn. 

I did get some bits and actually spent next to nothing. 

See below picture for baby goods:

((Can I just say I 100% know my Newborn baby will not need these stacking blocks, or the Miffy bag, I have no idea what happened, I was panicking!)) 

I also got a birthing DVD to go with a book a friend had recommended (that has a blog post of its own) a baby bath and some maternity clothes for next to nothing. (H&M shorts and Jeans, a H&M blouse, a New Look vest and a pretty stripey sun dress. I will photograph as and when I wear them I guess.)

In total I spent £38.90 plus £3 on cake. 

Out of the money the sale raises, 70% goes back to the sellers and 30% goes to The NCT. This is so cool and I would definitely consider selling here after I don't need all the baby stuff. 

And actually, I had a really lovely time. I felt so brave after it was all finished, I cant even believe I did that. That is SO the sort of things hardcore mums do isn't it?! Don't get me wrong, I was scared of these women and a lot of them were not on the same page as me but I tried. I made an effort and I tried. And that my friends, is enough for me. 

Watch out Motherhood... I am actually coming for you... I bought things for Baby Plum!!!!

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